Nima Suchak on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
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Nima Suchak
Brian D'Arcy
Brian D'Arcy joins Nicki Chapman for today's Pause For Thought.
Jaspreet Kaur: "Through selfless service, eternal peace is obtained"
Jaspreet Kaur on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Cath Woolridge: "The corridors in life"
Cath Woolridge joins Nicki Chapman for today's Pause For Thought.
Debbie Young-Somers: "The language of love"
Debbie Young-Somers on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Alby Chait
Alby Chait on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Patrick Moriarty: "The nature of love"
Patrick Moriarty on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'
Paul Kerensa: "Wrighty"
Paul Kerensa joins Nicki Chapman for today's Pause For Thought.
Matt Finch: "To know what love is and to feel it"
Matt Finch on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Steve Stockman: "Love needs to be experienced"
Steve Stockman on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Helen-Ann Hartley: "Stop for a moment and just be"
Helen-Ann Hartley joins Nicki Chapman for today's Pause For Thought.
Emma Ineson
Emma Ineson on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Tony Miles
Tony Miles on this week's theme 'Feel The Love'.
Sarah Joseph: "Without endings we don’t get the chance at beginnings"
Sarah Joseph joins Nicki Chapman for today's Pause For Thought.
Azariah France-Williams
Azariah France-Williams joins Good Morning Sunday for today's Pause For Thought.
Habibunnisha Patel: "Never give up the pursuit of justice"
Habibunnisha Patel on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Nima Suchak: "Fulfil our duty and not be fearful of the outcome"
Nima Suchak on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Brian D'Arcy: "Nature is the best gateway to God's glory"
Brian D'Arcy joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause for Thought.
Debbie Young-Somers
Debbie Young-Somers on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Jaspreet Kaur
Jaspreet Kaur on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell
Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Anupma Parihar: "'Fairness' in childhood'
Anupma Parihar on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Patrick Moriarty: "A dose of humility"
Patrick Moriarty on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Remona Aly: "A life filled with many beloveds"
Remona Aly joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Matt Finch: "Treated as people, not as a problem to be solved"
Matt Finch on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Phil Knox: "It's not fair thought is it?"
Phil Knox on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Helen-Ann Hartley: "Where is your tūrangawaewae?"
Helen-Ann Hartley joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Emma Ineson on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Tony Miles: "Chasing after good for others and not just for myself"
Tony Miles on this week's theme 'Pursuing Justice'.
Krish Kandiah: "Feed the hungry and welcome the stranger"
Krish Kandiah joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Robyn Ashworth Steen: "Conflicts for the sake of heaven"
Robyn Ashworth Steen joins GMS for today's Pause For Thought.