Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events. Read more
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03/11/2015 20:06 GMT
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.
The Legacy of Ahmad Chalabi
Influential Iraqi politician dies; 14-year-old Afghan teacher; Instagram star quits
Egypt's Key Role in Fighting IS
President Sisi on IS threat; Privatising Japan's post office; Romanian government out
President Sisi on IS threat; Privatising Japan's post office; Romanian government resigns
04/11/2015 20:06 GMT
Egyptian President's UK Visit Puts Spotlight on Human Rights
President Sisi interview; UK surveillance overhaul; diagnosing broken machines by sound?
05/11/2015 13:06 GMT
On the Campaign Trail in Myanmar
Myanmar key vote, Russia, Egypt urge caution on jet crash, Ebola legacy
05/11/2015 20:06 GMT
British to Repatriate Nationals from Sharm
UK restrict travel to Egypt tourist resort; Myanmar elections; Ronaldo on his self-belief
06/11/2015 13:06 GMT
First Sharm el-Sheikh Tourists Flown Back to Britain
Egyptian minister criticises UK flight suspensions, Skaters in Myanmar, Berlin Wall fence
06/11/2015 20:06 GMT
Russia Bans Flights to Egypt
Russia suspends flights to Egypt; Bjork - stop the destruction of Iceland's highlands
WHO Declares Sierra Leone Ebola Free
Sierra Leone declared Ebola free; Cricket in US; Arundhati Roy on handing back award
Burundi tense as weapons deadline looms
US envoy on Burundi crisis; Arundhati Roy on religious intolerance; Ronnie Spector
Myanmar Votes in Landmark Election
Myanmar holds first free election in 25 years, deadly Burundi violence, Darfur poet
Opposition NLD Supporters Anticipate Myanmar Poll Success
Vote count under way in Myanmar poll; Russian memorial service; your boss in your handbag
09/11/2015 13:06 GMT
First Results in Myanmar Elections
NLD wins first seats in Myanmar election; IAAF: Suspend Russia from athletic competition
09/11/2015 20:06 GMT
Russia accused of state-sponsored athletics doping
Anti-doping agency calls for Russia to be suspended from athletics competitions
10/11/2015 13:06 GMT
Aung San Suu Kyi: "I'll make all the decisions"
Aung San Suu Kyi interview; Warped humour signalling dementia; Killer whales in captivity
10/11/2015 20:06 GMT
'Stunning success' with meningitis A vaccination
WHO reports big drop in meningitis A deaths, Helmut Schmidt dies, BETAMAX tapes no more
11/11/2015 13:06 GMT
Myanmar's rulers congratulate opposition
Myanmar president spokesman; Europe seeks African support on migration; Crocodile guards
11/11/2015 20:06 GMT
EU Africa Summit On Migration
EU offers Africa aid; US Treasury Secretary on global economy; Russia doping
12/11/2015 GMT