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16 October 2014


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»Island Blogging
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Some Advice for New Bloggers

What makes a good blog?

There are no hard and fast rules on this, you'll find your own way. Short regular updates seem to work better than long-winded and infrequent ones. Daily is good but don't get in a seat. If you've nothing to say wait until you do.

Be yourself. Write about what interests you and that will come over in your writing.
Take care. Like any sort of writing, if your blog is riddled with typos and spelling errors it will turn people away.

Some people treat their blogs as a diary, some have specific themes, some have loads of links to other sites, while others have none.

Two last things. Photos are a great bonus, add them in if you can - any questions just emails us and we'll help. Also, tell us something about yourself, who are you? What are you like?

Are there any rules?

Yes. There's a set of House Rules you're asked to obey. Basically you're asked to keep your contributions civil and tasteful. You're not allowed to swear, link to another website that might be considered offensive, and you've got to be based on one of the listed islands.

Money-making also isn't allowed. You can't use Island Blogging for advertising, commercial activities or fund-raising.

Once you've signed up you've agreed to abide by these rules and it's assumed you've read them.

Other than that, it's pretty much up to you.

Anyone else got any thoughts on what makes a good blog?

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 12:29


A Good Blog?
I'd say short and regular works best, it lets me get to know the blogger. Some of the wierd names don't work too well if the blogging is intermittent, I forget what's been said before. But it is nice to not know age, sex etc and just concentrate on the message, rather than dismissing the opinion because of who's said it (Ming excepted).
This quicker upload is SO much better too. Thanks blog blog. How are the sleepless nights?

Nic from Coll

hey Mike....tried to sign into my weblog and it has been frozen! Suddenly the computer seems to have forgotten who I am!
Can you suggest answers and send me my passwords etc so I know they are correct?
thanks :-)


witchinthewoods (cottage in the woods) from Mull

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