Deep, Down & Desi Scotistan Episodes Available now
Scotistan Celebrates Festivals!
Our three Scotistanis share their (lack of) knowledge on all things Festival.
Scotistan’s 7 Deadly ‘Asian’ Sins
Our favourite Scotistanis compile their own ‘Asian’ version of the seven deadly sins.
Scotistanis Out and About
Our Scotistanis Taqi, Atta and Paul share their hilarious holiday mishaps and muslas.
The Scotistani in the Mirror
Our three Scotsmen chat male grooming habits and embarrassing body parts.
From Scotland with Pyar
Forget Love Island! Our Scotistanis reveal their ups and downs when it comes to romance.
Scotistan: Man up will ye!
Three Scotistanis chat about the pressures of being a man in today's world.
Welcome to Scotistan!
Aye that’s right there are Asians in put that in your pipe and smoke it!