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Prògram 9 - Diofar Dhòighean / Episode 9 - House Rules

Tha Monica a’ gluasad a-steach còmhla ri Akira ach chan fhada gus a bheil argamaid eadar an dithis, a’ fàgail Lara a’ faireachdainn troimhe-a-chèile agus a-mach à cùisean. Aig a’ cheart àm tha Tònaidh a’ cur teacsa le dealbh gu an caraidean uile, a’ fàgail Gabriel air a nàrachadh.

Gabhaidh am prògram seo a chleachdadh mar thoiseach-tòiseachaidh airson còmhradh mu chàirdeas, roinn agus co-rèiteachadh. Tha notaichean tidseir rim faighinn aig

Monica moves in with Akira, but close quarters leads to an argument between them leaving Lara feeling confused and left out. Meanwhile, Tony sends a picture text to all their friends which embarrasses Gabriel.

This episode can be used by parents or by teachers to generate discussion about friendships, sharing and compromise. It is particularly useful in looking at how to manage friendships, and boundaries. Further information is available at

Release date:


12 minutes

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