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Prògram 20 - Suidheachadh Steigeach / Episode 20 - Sticky Situation

Tha Gabriel a’ dol tro àm nuair a tha aislingean fliuch aige. Tha e a’ fulang nàire eile nuair a tha Monica a’ cluinntinn còmhradh eadar e fhèin agus Tònaidh mu aisling a bha aige, agus ga thogail ceàrr.

Gabhaidh am prògram seo a chleachdadh le pàrantan no le tidsearan airson còmhradh a thòiseachadh mu atharrachaidhean bodhaig. Tha notaichean tidseir rim faighinn aig

Gabriel is going through a phase of having wet dreams. He is further embarrassment when Monica misunderstands an overheard conversation with Tony.

This episode can be used to initiate discussion about wet dreams. It is designed to be accessible to as broad a group as possible. There are no visual representations and no slang terms are used. Further information is available at

Release date:


12 minutes

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