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Mise is ADHD

Tha Siùsaidh NicDhonnchaidh a coinneachadh daoin’ eile le ADHD. Suzie Roberts shares experiences with others who have ADHD.

Tha na h-àireamhan de bhoireannaich a tha a faighinn a-mach gu bheil ADHD orra air a dhol suas gu mòr anns na bliadhnaichean a chaidh seachad. ’S e Siùsaidh NicDhonnchaidh aon dhiubh. Tro coinneachadh le diofar dhaoine eile le ADHD, tha Siùsaidh a’ faighinn a-mach tro sgeulachdan pearsanta làidir am buaidh a tha e air toirt air am beatha - bho duiligheadas le obair a chumail gu droch shlàint’-inntinn gu bhith gan lorg fhein an luib siostam a’ cheartais. Cluinnidh Siùsaidh mun fhaochadh a tha a tighinn an luib dearbhadh ADHD agus an diofar a bhitheadh e air ’s dòcha a dhèanamh ann am beatha chuid nam bitheadh fios air a bhith aca na bu tràithe gu robh e orra.

Recent years have seen a large rise in the numbers of women being diagnosed with ADHD. Suzie Roberts is one of them. Through meeting others with ADHD, Suzie hears powerful personal testimonies about the impact that it has had on their lives - from difficulty in staying in a job, to mental health struggles, to ending up in the criminal justice system. For Suzie, as with many of the others in the programme, diagnosis brings with it an immense sense of relief and the answer to many questions, but also an understanding that earlier diagnosis may have made a huge difference to their lives.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

9 days left to watch

58 minutes

Last on

Sun 29 Sep 2024 21:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Suzie Roberts


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