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Duncan Mackenzie | Dìleab nam Beann

An dlùth dhàimh eadar stàcair & eòlaiche eachdraidh-ionadail agus tìr a shinnsearan. The story of Duncan Mackenzie's passion for the landscape of north west Scotland.

Stòiridh mun dàimh eadar aon duine agus fearann fiadhaich taobh an iar-thuath Alba. Mar stàcair, tha Donnchadh MacCoinnich air modhan-obrach a chur an sàs gus fèidh a smachdachadh, àireamhan a chumail aig ìre sheasmhachd, fallaineachd an treud a leasachadh agus taic a chur ri ath-ghintinn na tìre. Tha e dealasach mu eachdraidh-ionadail agus, a’ rannsachadh na aonar fhuair e lorg air baile caillte Bhaile Bhlàir, àite-còmhnaidh a shinnsearan gus an deach am fuadach gu borb aig àm nam Fuadaichean.
Air a fiolmadh thar 4 bliadhna, tha an dealbh a’ taisbeanadh fear a bha air a’ phoileas, a ruith a thaigh-aoigheachd fhèin agus a thrèan na bhùidsear, ach os cionn gach nì, fear a tha fuaighte ris an tìr agus tuigseach mu gach spàirn a thug buaidh air a bheatha. Tha am fiolm mar fhianais air dòigh-beatha a tha dol à sealladh agus fear nach leig le eachdraidh a choimhearsnachd a dhol à cuimhne.

The story of one person’s passion for the wild landscape of north west Scotland. As a deer stalker Duncan Mackenzie has adopted a radical approach to management that keeps numbers down, has improved the quality of the herd and is helping regeneration in this iconic part of Scotland.

He’s also a committed local historian who has single-handedly rediscovered the lost village of Balblair, a once thriving community from where his ancestors were brutally evicted during the Highland Clearances. The result is one of Scotland’s most important archaeological finds in recent years.

Filmed over four years, this is an intimate portrait of a former policeman, guest house owner, trained butcher but above all a man of the land and the forces that shape his life. This film is a testimony to a lifestyle that is disappearing and someone who is determined that his community’s history should not be lost.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Mon 17 Jun 2024 22:30


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Richard Else
Producer Margaret Wicks
Producer James Else
Production Manager Kate Hook
