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Anns a’ phrògram seo, cluinnidh sinn na cuimhneachain sònraichte a th’ aig daoine a bha ag obair ann an gàrradh ola Arnish. Memories from those who worked at the Arnish oil yard.

Ann an naoi ceud deug seachdad ’s a ceithir dh’ fhosgail Lewis Offshore ann an Steòrnabhagh, a’ cruthachadh structaran mòra stàilinn airson gnìomhachas na h-ola, a’ ciallachadh buannachd mhòr don eaconomaidh ’s ag atharrachadh cruth-tìre Eilean Leòdhais gu bràth.

An uair a chaidh ola a lorg anns a’ Chuan a Tuath anns na seachdadan, nochd cothroman ùr air feadh Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba agus chaidh fàilte mhòr a chur air an leasachadh seo air an eilean, far an robh eaconomaidh na sgìre a’ fulang.

Thòisich gàrradh ola Arnish ga leasachadh an uair a dh’ fhaighnich companaidh às an Nirribhidh, mu làrach cruthachaidh a steidheachadh dìreach taobh a-muigh baile Stèornabhaigh, agus bho dh’ fhosgail e ann am meadhan nan seachdadan, tha e air a bhith na phàirt de chruth-tìre agus cultar Eilean Leòdhais. Chiallaich e gum b’ urrainn do mhòran theaghlaichean fuireach agus obair fhaighinn air an eilean, thug e spionnadh do eaconomaidh na sgìre, agus thug e sgilean do dhaoine, a tha fhathast na bhuannachd don choimhearsnachd chun an là an-diugh.

Anns a’ phrògram seo, cluinnidh sinn na cuimhneachain sònraichte a th’ aig daoine a bha ag obair ann an Arnish is iad ag innse mu na h-amannan soirbheachail ’s deuchainneach a bh’ aca tro na bliadhnaichean a bha iad ann. Tha iad cuideachd a’ toirt iomradh air a’ bhuaidh mhòr a bh’ aige air baile mòr Steòrnabhaigh agus gu dearbha air an eilean air fad.

In 1974, Lewis Offshore opened in Stornoway, producing large steel structures for the offshore oil industry, heralding a boom for the economy and changing the landscape of the Isle of Lewis forever.
With the discovery of oil in the North Sea in the 1970s, a new wave of opportunity sprung forth across the Scottish Highlands and this was a welcome development on the island, where the local economy was struggling.

The development of Arnish began when a Norwegian company enquired about the possibility of a fabrication yard just outside of Stornoway, and since it opened in the mid-70s, it has been part of the landscape and culture of Lewis. It enabled many families to remain and work on the island, gave the local economy a much needed boost, and taught many people new skills that would benefit the community to this day.

We hear memories from those who worked at Arnish, detailing the successful and challenging times they experienced there throughout the years. They also explain the significant impact it had on the town of Stornoway and indeed on the island as a whole.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Mon 27 May 2024 22:30


Role Contributor
Narrator Katie Ann Mackenzie
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Producer Ann Morrison
Director David Martin
