The Beetle, A Timeless Car
Fans of the legendary Volkswagen model tell us the story of the Beetle. Bidh luchd-leantainn a' Volkswagen cliùiteach ag innse dhuinn mu sgeulachd a' Bheetle.
There are some cars that never go out of fashion, particularly those that inspire a cult following, and the Volkswagen Beetle is such a treasure. The Beetle's journey takes us all over the world from Germany and mainland Europe, onto Britain and right across the Atlantic Ocean to the USA and Mexico.
See for yourself how the design of the Beetle has altered very little down through the decades, getting up close and personal with some restored and cherished models that are a testimony to the everlasting appeal of this timeless car.
Tha cuid a chà raichean ann nach tèid a-mach às an fhasan, gu h-à raidh an fheadhainn aig a bheil luchd-leantainn coisrigte, agus 's e fìor sheud a th' anns a' Volkswagen Beetle. Tha slighe a' Volkwagen Beetle gar toirt air feadh an t-saoghail, bhon a' Ghearmailt agus tìr-mòr na Roinn Eòrpa, a-null a Bhreatainn agus tarsainn a' Chuan Shiar gu ruige Ameireaga agus Meagsago. Faic dhut fhèin mar a tha cruth a' Bheetle air atharrachadh ach glè bheag thar nam bliadhnaichean, a' cur eòlas air cuid a charbadan prìseil a chaidh ùrachadh agus a tha nan teisteanas air an tarraing bhuan a th' aig an cà r seasmhach seo.
Dubbed in Gaelic with Englsih subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Evelyn Coull Macleod |
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