An Gabh An Saoghal Fhuarachadh?/Can We Cool the Planet?
The technologies that could help us combat the looming threat of climate change. Dè 's urrainn ar cuideachadh le suidheachadh bagairteach.
The world’s average temperature has increased 1°C in just the past 100 years. Extreme weather and rising seas are already causing global unrest, and many scientists believe that if we cannot curb planetary warming, it could pose an existential threat to human civilisation.
As it becomes clear that emissions reduction alone may not be enough to avoid the dire effects of climate change, a growing collective of scientists and engineers is developing technologies that could cool the planet. These range from geoengineering our atmosphere to reflect sunlight, sucking carbon dioxide right out of the air, to enlisting forests to do the job for us.
Tha teothachd chuibheasach na cruinne air èiridh 1°C sna 100 bliadhna a dh'fhalbh. 'S e adhbhar dragha a th' ann am fìor dhroch-shìde agus à rdachadh cuain, agus tha mòran luchd-saidheans dhen bheachd mura cur sinn bacadh air blà thachadh na cruinne gum bi sìobhaltas mhic an duine ann an cunnart. Mar a tha e a' fàs follaiseach nach cuir lùghdachadh truaillidh a-mhà in bacadh air cron ri linn atharrachadh na gnà th-shìde, tha co-chruinneachadh de luchd-saidheans is innleadairean a' leasachadh teicneòlas airson an t-saoghal fhuarachadh – bho bhith ag atharrachadh an à ile airson frith-thilgeil solas na grèine, gu bhith a' tarraing carbon dà ogsaid às an èadhar, gu bhith a' cleachdadh choilltean.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Anna Murray |
Producer | Ann Morrison |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
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