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Tha Linda NicLe貌id agus a caraidean a鈥� d猫anamh nudailean steigeach le fe貌il-circe. Linda and her friends make sticky noodles with chicken.

Tha Linda NicLe貌id a鈥� c貌caireachd cuide ri a caraidean. An-diugh tha Hannah agus Matthew cuide rithe agus iad a鈥� d猫anamh nudailean steigeach le fe貌il-circe agus mil. Ach mus t貌isich iad, feumaidh iad a bhith cinnteach gu bheil an stuth tha a dh矛th orra a-staigh. Mur a bheil, bidh iad a鈥� d猫anamh liosta agus a鈥� dol dhan bh霉th airson a h-uile c脿il fhaighinn. Bidh Linda agus a caraidean cuideachd a鈥� faighinn a-mach c貌 脿s a tha mil a鈥� tighinn. Tha iad an uairsin a鈥� tilleadh dhan chidsin airson na nudailean a dh猫anamh mus suidh iad s矛os aig a鈥� bh貌rd gan ithe!

Linda Macleod and friends cook a number of tasty dishes. In this episode, Linda is joined by Hannah and Matthew to make sticky noodles with chicken. But before they start, they have to ensure they have all the ingredients and, if not, they make a list and go shopping.

They also learn more about where honey comes from. Then it鈥檚 back into the kitchen to make the noodles before sitting down at the table to eat them!

Air a chraoladh

DiC 21 L霉na 2024 17:00



Nudailean Steigeach Milis le Fe貌il-circe

Airson 2 neach

1 broilleach circe, as aonais a鈥� chraicinn, air a bhruich聽
3 uinneanan earraich陆聽 piobar dearg leis an stocan agus an t-s矛ol air a thoirt air falbh
1 sp脿in mh貌r de shabhs sh貌ighea聽
1 sp脿in mh貌r de dh鈥檕la sheasamain聽
2 sp脿in mh貌r de mhil聽150g nudailean rus

Gearr a鈥� bhroilleach circe na chnapan beag gu le貌r airson an togail le forca. Cuir iad ann am bobhla m貌r.

Le siosar, ge脿rr freumhaichean nan uinneanan earraich dhiubha agus cath air falbh iad.聽 Ge脿rr an c貌rr de na h-uinneanan earraich nam p矛osan. Cuir iad ris a鈥� bhroilleach circe.

Le siosar neo sgian bheag, ge脿rr am piobar dearg na striopan agus an uairsin na ph矛osan beaga.聽 聽聽

Tomhais a-mach an sabhs s貌ighea, an t-ola sheasamain agus am mil dhan bhobhla agus measgaich a h-uile cail c貌mhla.聽 聽I脿rr air inbheach na nudailean a bhruich.聽

Cuir na nudailean bruich dhan bhobhla agus measgaich a h-uile cail comhla le sp脿in mh貌r.聽 聽

Sweet and Sticky Chicken Noodles

1 skinless cooked chicken breast聽
3 spring onions聽
陆 red pepper,聽stalk and seeds removed聽
1 tbsp soy sauce聽
1 tbsp sesame oil聽
2 tbsp runny honey聽
150g rice noodles聽

Pull the chicken into strips, then cut it into chunks small enough to pick up on a fork. Put in a large bowl.聽

Use your scissors to snip the hairy root ends off the spring onions and throw away. Snip the rest of the spring onion into pieces. Add to the chicken.聽

Use scissors or a small knife to cut the pepper into strips and then pieces. Like the chicken you want the pieces to be small enough to pick up.聽

Measure the soy sauce, sesame oil (or seeds) and honey into the bowl, mix together. Ask a grown-up helper to cook the noodles at the same time.聽

Tip the hot noodles into the bowl and mix everything together with a large spoon or pair of tongs.聽

Role Contributor
Presenter Linda MacLeod
Producer Donald Macleod
Production Manager Mairi Mackinnon