Car-based comedy panel show hosted by Larry Dean. This week, both teams are challenged to deal with some unwelcome foxes at Traquair House, Scotland's oldest inhabited house.
Host Larry Dean puts team captains and fellow comedians Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Fern Brady through their paces as they take to the road in Scotland's new car-based panel show.
This week, both teams are challenged to deal with some unwelcome visitors - foxes - at Traquair House, Scotland's oldest inhabited house.
Joined by TV personality Aggie MacKenzie and Still Game's Scott Reid, their road trip takes a series of unexpected and anarchic turns, all engineered by Larry, intent on leaving them feeling Whiplashed.
Last on
Christopher decides to let Aggie in on a dirty secret
Duration: 00:51
Trailer for Whiplashed
Duration: 00:21
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Larry Dean |
Panellist | Christopher Macarthur-Boyd |
Panellist | Fern Brady |
Panellist | Aggie MacKenzie |
Panellist | Scott Reid |
Executive Producer | Neil McCallum |
Executive Producer | Kate Edmunds |
Series Producer | Stuart Harrison |
Director | John Pereira |
- Fri 14 Dec 2018 22:00麻豆社 Two Scotland
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Experimental new comedy from 麻豆社 Scotland.