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Fraoch Nic an Deòir a' dèanamh dealbh dubh is geal dhen t-seinneadair Ethel NicCaluim. Heather Dewar draws a charcoal portrait of singer Ethel MacCallum.

Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a Ìle a'tilleadh thugainn le sreath ùr de "Dhealbhan Fraoich". An dà chuid a'dèanamh dealbh agus a'cur cheist, tha i a'cruthachadh samhailean ann an dubh 's geal de Ghàidheil air a bheil iomadh neach eòlach - agus a'tàladh bhuapa eachdraidh am beatha aig a'cheart àm! 'Sa phrògram seo tha Fraoch a'gabhail cuairt a dh'Inbhiraora a choinneachadh ri Ethel NicCaluim.

Ged a tha Ethel air a bhi fuireach air tìr-mòr o dh'fhàs i suas, tha i gu math moiteil as a ceangal ri na h-eileanan. Chaidh a chur gu ruige Tiriodh, a dachaigh-chloinne ann an Glaschu, aig sia bliadhna a dh'aois. Ged a bha cùisean deuchainneach dhi na leanabh òg, dh'atharraich Tiriodh, agus ceòl, a beatha gu tur. An-diugh tha spèis aig daoine dhi mar thè a tha a'seinn agus a'dèanamh òran.

Islay-born artist Heather Dewar has had a love of portrait drawing from a young age and relishes the challenge of capturing someone's likeness. In this programme, Heather travels to Inveraray to meet Ethel MacCallum. Although Ethel's adult life has been spent on the mainland, she is extremely proud of her island connections. Sent from a Glasgow orphanage to the Isle of Tiree at the age of six, her early childhood had been unsettling, but Tiree, and music, transformed her life. Today she is a well-known and respected singer-songwriter.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Heather Dewar
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
