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Episode 3

Documentary series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams. In this episode, the team transfer a baby who has been born hypoxic.

An darna sreath a' leantainn sgiobaidhean tar-aiseag ScotSTAR bhon ionad-obrach aca aig Port-adhair Ghlaschu, 's sinn a' faicinn mar a thathas a' dèiligeadh ri iomadh tubaist agus gairm-èiginn bho air feadh Alba. Sa phrògram seo, tha pàiste hypoxic an dèidh breith dhuilich, agus tha sgioba ScotSTAR ga ghiùlain an dèidh dhan teothachd aige a bhith air a thoirt sìos gus feuchainn ri cron air inntinn a sheachnadh. Tha Helimed 2 a' sgèith gu tuath airson cobhair a thoirt dhan charbad-eiridinn, a tha a' toirt cuideachadh do bhodach a tha air tuiteam na dhachaigh ann an Cataibh, agus a tha air a bhith laighe ann trì latha.

A second series following the work of the ScotSTAR Transfer teams from their purpose-built hub at Glasgow Airport as they handle various emergencies and call-outs from across Scotland.

In this episode, a baby who is born hypoxic is transferred by the ScotSTAR team after being chilled to below normal body temperature to hopefully reduce the chances of long-term brain damage. Helimed 2 is flying north to assist an elderly gentleman who has had a fall and has been lying on his bedroom floor in a remote cottage for three days.

45 minutes
