Episode 2
Documentary series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams. In this episode, a teenager is transported from the Isle of Coll after suffering from a severe asthma attack.
An darna sreath a' leantainn sgiobaidhean tar-aiseag ScotSTAR bhon ionad-obrach aca aig Port-adhair Ghlaschu, 's sinn a' faicinn mar a thathas a' dèiligeadh ri iomadh tubaist agus gairm-èiginn bho air feadh Alba. Sa phrògram seo, tha deugaire air a thoirt à Colla an-dèidh fulang le droch ionnsaigh sac; tha teaghlach air an giùlain le sgioba ScotSTAR a Bhirmingham airson 's gum faigh an nighinn aca ath-chur slà n den chaolan agus den ghrùthan, agus tha pà iste ro-thrà thail air a thoirt bho Chill Mearnaig a Ghlaschu airson cùram meidigeach èiginneach.
A second series following the work of the ScotSTAR Transfer teams from their purpose-built hub at Glasgow Airport as they handle various emergencies and call-outs from across Scotland.
In this episode, a teenager is transported from the Isle of Coll after suffering from a severe asthma attack, and a family are flown by the ScotSTAR team to Birmingham for their daughter to undergo a lifesaving liver and bowel transplant. And a premature baby is transported from Kilmarnock to Glasgow for emergency medical care.
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