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Frank Sinatra

Prògram a' cuimhneachadh air Frank Sinatra. Documentary recounting the golden age of singer and actor Frank Sinatra, whose career spanned across more than five decades.

Bha Frank Sinatra ainmeil airson còrr air leth-cheud bliadhna. Bha an obair a rinn e a thaobh ceòl, filmichean agus telebhisean aig
sàr àrd ìre a' ciallachadh gur b'e aon de na cleasaichean as iomraitiche san t-saoghal.
Tha am prògram seo a' dol air ais gu àm sònraichte ann an Ameireaga nuair a bha an seinneadair agus an cleasaiche seo na ghaisgeach. A' tòiseachadh ann an New York agus Los Angeles, an uairsin a Las Vegas, Palm Springs agus Lake Tahoe, chì sinn an dìleab a dh' fhàg an duine iongantach seo agus cho tarraingeach 's a bha Ameireaga aig an àm. Tha am prògram mar chuimhneachan air aon de na cleasaichean as fheàrr dhen fhicheadamh linn.

Frank Sinatra's career spanned more than five decades. He was at the top of his game with his music, movies and television, making him the most popular entertainer on the planet.

This programme recounts the golden age of the legendary singer and actor and the country he embodied, taking us from New York to Los Angeles, via Las Vegas, Palm Springs and Lake Tahoe, following the still-visible traces of an exceptional artist and of the seductive American dream with which he is inseparable. A fitting tribute to one of the 20th century's greatest idols.

52 minutes

Last on

Fri 18 May 2018 23:00
