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Tuilleadh 's a Chòrr le Triùir

Tha Pip 's Pop air chèilidh an-diugh. Pip and Pop come over to play with Baba but the boys soon forget about poor Pip.

Nuair a thig Pip 's Pop air chèilidh, tha Pop 's Baba a' dèanamh às air turas dàna 's gun foir aca gun do dh'fhàg iad Pip bhochd às an dèidh! Ge-tà, 's i Pip a tha sealltainn dànachd dha-rìribh nuair a thig cuisean bun os cionn!

When Pip and Pop come over to play, Pop and Baba take off on an adventure together, forgetting all about poor Pip! However, it is Pip that ends up showing real bravery.

7 minutes
