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Mossy, Beò na Aonar

Tha Mossy 'g iarraidh bhith leis fhèin. The antics of the Shrew Crew drive Mossy to find accommodation of his own.

Tha dòighean-fuirich Sgioba nan Luch dèanamh dragh do Mhossy 's e cur roimhe fuireach leis fhèin son greis. Ge-tà, gun cuideachadh on sgioba, chan eil Mossy cho comasach coimhead às a dhèidh fhèin!

The living habits of the Shrew Crew have started to annoy Mossy leading him to believe it would be best for him to live by himself for a while. However, without the help of the crew, Mossy isn't quite as competent as he thought.

7 minutes
