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Billy the Kid

Tha am prògram seo a' cur fìrinn ri na sgeulachdan mun bhalach "Billy the Kid". Documentary portrait of Billy the Kid, one of the most feared outlaws in the west.

Air an 28mh den Ghiblean 1881 bhris Henry McCarty, no "Billy the Kid", a-mach às a' phrìosan, làithean mus robh e gu bhith air a chrochadh airson muirt, a' dèanamh a' chùis air na freiceadain agus a' cur an dùthaich air bhioran a-rithist le iomadh oidhirp teichidh iongantach. Mu dheireadh, chaidh losgadh air an fhògarrach leis an t-siorraidh òg, Pat Garrett dhà no trì sheachdainean an dèidh làimh.

Chaidh naidheachd a' bhàis a sgaoileadh air feadh nam pàipearan, agus ged a bha an naidheachd seo a' comharrachadh deireadh beatha Billy, mhair an t-ainm aige agus an sgeulachd. Tha am prògram seo a' toirt sùil air a' bhalach air cùlaibh na sgeòil. Le agallamhan bho eòlaichean agus sgrìobhadairean "Western", tha am prògram seo a' cur fìrinn ri na sgeulachdan agus a' faighinn a-mach mun bhalach a dh' fhàs bho bhith na dhìlleachdan beag, gu fear a bhiodh na eucorach cliùiteach agus na ghaisgeach maireannach.

On April 28, 1881, Henry McCarty, AKA Billy the Kid, days from being hanged for murder, outfoxed jailors and electrified the nation with the latest in a long line of miraculous escapes. An outlaw with a deadly reputation, he was finally gunned down by the ambitious sheriff Pat Garrett just a few weeks later.

The halting of one of the most notorious criminals of the age made front-page news and marked the end of Billy- but it was the beginning of one of the west's most enduring legends. This documentary takes a fascinating look at the boy behind the myth, and features interviews with a wide variety of western historians and writers, putting a human face on the legend who transformed himself from a skinny orphan boy to the most feared man in the west.

52 minutes

Last on

Fri 7 Dec 2018 23:00
