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Gaidhlig Obar Dheathain/Aberdeen, Gaelic and the Gaels

Tha an sgoil Ghàidhlig 25 bliadhna, ach tha gu leòr sa sgìre an aghaidh na Gàidhlig. Documentary exploring the status of Gaelic in Aberdeen compared to other parts of Scotland.

Tha Obar Dheathain ainmeil airson an ola, iasgach, clach-ghràin agus Doric ach dè mu dheidhinn a' Ghàidhlig? 'S e an treas bhaile as motha ann an Alba a thaobh meud an t-sluaigh, ach chan eil e cho Gàidhealach ri Glaschu neo Dùn Èideann. Tha am prògram sònraichte seo a' comharrachadh còig thar fhichead bliadhna bho dh'fhosgail an sgoil Ghàidhlig ann an Obar Dheathain. A bheil càil air atharrachadh tro na bliadhnaichean? Cluinnidh sinn bho Ghàidheil a tha a' fuireach agus ag obair anns an sgìre, agus bhon fhear-naidheachd a' sgrìobh: "Chan eil sinn ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a-bhos an-seo." Dè an seasamh a th' aig a' Ghàidhlig anns a' cheann an ear thuath an coimeas ri pàirtean eile dhen dùthaich? Dè an t-àite a bha, a tha agus a bhitheas aig a' Ghàidhlig sa cheàrnaidh seo san àm ri teachd?

Aberdeen is famous for oil, fishing, granite and Doric but what about Gaelic? Although it is the third largest city in Scotland, it's often seen not as 'Gaelic' as Glasgow or Edinburgh. This programme marks the 25th anniversary of the Gaelic school opening in Aberdeen and looks at what has changed over the last quarter of a century and explores the status of Gaelic in the north east compared to other parts of the country.

We hear from the local newspaper columnist who wrote the article headlined 'We don't want Gaelic here'. We explore the history of the language in the area, and through the eyes of those who live there we find out what it is like to be a Gael in Aberdeen today and why they think it is so different to the other cities in Scotland. Does Gaelic have a past, present and future in this part of the country?

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 22 Aug 2021 21:00
