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Breabach Beò

Taghadh de dh' òrain agus puirt a chaidh a chlàradh aig Celtic Connections 2017. Scottish folk band Breabach recorded in concert at Glasgow's CCA in January 2017.

San Fhaoilleach 2017, chluichd Mànran aig an CCA ann an Glaschu mar phàirt dhen fhèis Celtic Connections. Tro na bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh, tha Breabach air cluich aig an leithid Taigh Opara Sydney, Fèis Womad an Sealann Nuadh agus aig Central Park New York. Tha iad a' faighinn deagh mholaidhean bhon luchd-èisteachd agus anns na meadhannan ge bith cà tig iad. An uiridh, aig na duaisean MG ALBA Scots Trad ann an Dùn Dùn Dè, fhuair iad an duais aithnichte 'Clàr na Bliadhna,' leis a' chòigeamh clàr aca 'Astar', agus 'Còmhlan na Bliadhna' a bharrachd. Nam measg na chluichd iad air an oidhche bha Mo Thruaighe Lèir Thu 'Ille Bhuidhe, The Last March agus Farsund.

In January 2017, talented folk group Breabach were recorded performing songs and tunes at the CCA in Glasgow as part of the festival Celtic Connections. The band formed in 2005 and scooped two awards at the 2016 Scots Trad Music Awards, for best album and folk band of the year. Over the last few years, the band have clocked up plenty of air miles, as they performed at various exciting venues like Sydney Opera House, the Womad Festival in New Zealand and at Central Park in New York. Amongst the songs performed are Mo Thruaighe Leir Thu 'Ille Bhuidhe, The Last March and Farsund.

25 minutes

Last on

Sat 25 Jul 2020 19:00
