Robin Hood: Comhstri sa Choille Episodes Episode guide
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Sgeulachd Sherwood (PÃ irt II)
Mar a choinnich Robin ri Tuck 's Iain Beag. How Robin came to meet Tuck and Little John.
Sgeulachd Sherwood (PÃ irt I)
Tha Scarlett ag innse sgeulachd Robin Hood. Scarlett recounts how Robin came to Sherwood.
Cruinneag ann an Èiginn
Tha Gwendolyn a' glacadh aire nan gillean. The boys fall for Gwendolyn's charms.
Aon Chleas ro Fhada
Feumaidh Scarlett 's Matilda fà gail. Scarlett and Matilda are sent packing.
A' Bhana-bhuidseach
Tha Ralf 's Rolf cur bana-bhuidseach an greim. The twins believe they've arrested a witch.
An Gà radh Dìomhair
Tha Bhà tair a' feuchainn air gaisgealachd. Walter tries his hand at heroic deeds.
An Obraiche-mhiotailt
Tha am Prionns' ri sgrios na h-Ã rainneachd. The prince's plans threaten the environment.
Cluich Chloinne
Tha geasag a dèanamh trioblaid dha Robin. A botched spell causes problems for Robin.
Ã’ran do Robin Hood
A minstrel sees Robin being heroic and begins following him to sing about his exploits.
Am Prionnsa Gaisgeil
Tha am Prionns' 's na mèirlich ri mealladh. The prince and brigands trick the villagers.
A h-uile Mac MÃ thar
The bandits capture Robin for reward money.
An Geama Mòr
Arnold has been kidnapped by the bandits.
Fo-chasaid Cheà rr
Robin and the band are kept busy as they work to free Lubin and organise a birthday party.
Am Foghlainteach Lagh
Clarence's ambitions to become a lawman look likely to cause Robin some problems.
Nà imhdean Chà irdeil
Tha am Prionns' dol an cois Robin Hood. The prince decides to join Robin's ranks.
An Dùbhlan Ciùil
Tha dùbhlan ceòlmhor mu choinneamh Marian. Marian prepares for a musical challenge.
Obair Sgiobaidh
Tha Robin ag obair cuide ri na mèirlich. Robin joins a band of brigands.
An Raon Rìomhach
Tha am Prionns' airson raon croquet a thogail. The prince plans to build a croquet course.
A' Ruith Flynn
Tha Marian ann an trioblaid uabhasach. The twins create a big problem for Marian.
Tobair a' Phrionnsa
Tha Am Prionns' ann am fìor dhroch staid. The prince finds himself feeling quite unwell.
Muillean a' Phrionnsa
Tha a' mhuillean air a sgrios san stoirm. A storm destroys the windmill.
Madadh-allaidh sa Choille
Tha am baile na bhoil 's madadh mu sgaoil. A fearsome wolf causes chaos in the village.
Sgà than Marian
Tha Marian fo gheas 's i sealltainn olcas. A spell gone wrong reveals Marian's evil side.
Na Còig Pupaidean
Tha Robin air tòir pupaidean a charaid, Bacco. Robin attempts to rescue Bacco's puppets.
An Litir
Tha litir gus Robin a chur ann an staing. A royal letter causes trouble for Robin.
PÃ rtaidh a' Phrionns'
Tha Partaidh a' Phrionns' falbh le brag. The prince's party goes off with a bang.
Tuck Hood
Tuck must take over Robin's responsibilities.
An Calman-Gùlain
Will Marian be revealed as a magician?
Taigh nam Bòcan
Derke's lair is to be knocked to the ground.
Glacte sa Bhaile
The prince has the village put into lockdown to stop Robin escaping with lots of gold.