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Afterlife/Beatha an dèidh a' Bhàis

Episode 5 of 22

Documentary exploring the differing opinions and beliefs regarding what happens after a person dies.

Tha Trusadh : Beatha an dèidh a' bhàis? a' leantainn nam beachdan eadar-dhealaichte a bha agus a tha aig daoine tro na linntean a thaobh dè tha tachairt dhuinn an dèidh a' bhàis. Tha an cuspair seo gar toirt bho thiodhlacaidhean-bàta nan Lochlannach gu bogadh ann an leann naitrodein - an dòigh a tha aon eileanach air taghadh gus am bi cothrom aige air beatha an dèidh a' bhàis.

Tha raon de bheachdan a tha a' dol an aghaidh a chèile a' nochdadh sa phrògram. Chan urrainn dhaibh uile a bhith ceart. Aig aon ìre bheir am prògram seo ort cnuasachadh is aig ìre eile is dòcha gun toir e fuasgladh dhut air an t-seann cheist. Tha a bheachd fhèin aig gach neach. An aontaich thu le gin aca?

Trusadh : The Afterlife follows differing views regarding what happens to us after we die. It takes us from Viking boat burials to immersion in liquid nitrogen - a method one islander has chosen to provide himself with the opportunity of life after death.

Conflicting views appear in the programme. They cannot all be true. At one level this programme challenges your personal views and at another might just give you the answer to this age-old question. Each contributor has his own view.

Will you agree with any of them? Trusadh: The Afterlife - an extraordinary documentary which will astonish you and inform you about a contentious topic.

1 hour
