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Caileagan a' Chogaidh Mhoir/A Great Adventure

Documentary telling the story of the ladies of the Scottish Women's Hospitals, a group of pioneering female medics and volunteers on a mission to help allies during WWI.

Bho chionn ceud bliadhna, an uair a thòisich a' Chiad Chogadh, bha buidheann de mhnathan Albannach ag ullachadh airson turas iongantach. B' iad mnathan nan ospadalan Albannach, luchd-meidigeach boireann tùsaireach a bha ag amas air caraid a bha ann an cruaidh èiginn a chuideachadh, dà mhìle mìle air falbh ann an Serbia ann an taobh sear na Roinn Eòrpa. Thòisich e mar dhàn-thuras sònraichte.

Ach, b' ann gu math eagalach a bhiodh deireadh na sgeòil. 'S e an Dotair Elsie Inglis - aon den chiad lannsairean ann an Alba agus a bha na suffragette ainmeil - a smaoinich air a' bhuidheann a thòiseachadh. Seo agad sgeulachd Elsie, sgeulachd nam mnathan sònraichte seo uile - Caileagan a' Chogaidh Mhòir. Sgeulachd a chaidh a chall thar ùine, ach bha a' bhuaidh a bh' aig ospadalan nam mnathan Albannaich air beatha bhoireannaich an dèidh sin gu math na bu mhotha na bha daoine idir a' smaoineachadh.

100 years ago, as the First World War took hold, a group of ordinary Scottish women were preparing for an extraordinary journey. These were the ladies of the Scottish Women's Hospitals, pioneering female medics and volunteers on a mission to help an Ally in 'Dire Need', 2,000 miles away in Serbia in Eastern Europe. It started as a 'Great Adventure'. It would end up closer to a horror story.

The organisation was the idea of Dr Elsie Inglis, one of Scotland's first female surgeons and a prominent suffragette. A Great Adventure is Elsie's story, and also the collective story of these remarkable women. It's a story lost in time but the influence of the SWH on the lives of women thereafter was greater than most realise.

59 minutes

Last on

Wed 12 Oct 2022 21:00
