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A-nis: Fleetwood Mac

Documentary. The story of Fleetwood Mac, a band who overcame drug and alcohol problems as well as fractured relationships to achieve great success and a lasting musical legacy.

Còmhstri agus ceòl. Tha iad air a bhi os cionn ceòl rock son còrr is 40 bliadhna. A dh'aindeoin trioblaidean le drugaichean 's deoch-làidir agus iomadh sgarradh ann an càirdeas, tha Fleetwood Mac air dìleab ceòlmhor agus soirbheachas air leth a choisinn san ùine seo.

Bh'ad air leth soirbheachail aig dà am gu sonraichte: aig deireadh na 60an, nuair a chaidh iad gu aireamh a h-aon le 'Albatross'; agus eadar 1975 's 1987, nuair a bha Christine MacVie, Lindsey Buckingham agus Stevie Nicks 'sa chòmhlain.

Bha inbhe Fleetwood Mac cho àrd 's a bhiodh e ann a 1977, nuair a thug iad a mach 'Rumours,' clàr a dh'fhuirich aig aireamh a h-aon anns na Stàitean Aonaichte airson 31 seachdainnean. Gu ruige seo tha'd air 100 millean clàr a reic air feadh an t-saoghal. Chan eil teagamh sam bith ann gur iad fear dha na còmhlain-ciùil Rock and Roll as cliùitiche agus às fheàrr riamh.

Fleetwood Mac biography. Conflict and music from a band that have been at the forefront of rock music for over 40 years.

Despite drug and alcohol problems and many fractured relationships, Fleetwood Mac have enjoyed outstanding success and have created a great musical legacy since they started. They enjoyed great success during two periods in particular: in the sixties, when they went to No.1 with Albatros', and between 1975 and 1987, when Christine McVie, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks were in the band.

Fleetwood Mac's stock was at its highest in1977 following the release of Rumours, a record that remained at number one in the US for 31 weeks. To date, the band have sold 100 million albums around the world. There's no doubt that they are one of the best and most successful rock 'n' roll acts ever.

39 minutes

Last on

Fri 11 Sep 2015 22:20
