Documentary telling the story of Birger Jeppesen, who suffers from the incurable disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Ged nach eil neart no l霉ths aig p脿irt sam bith de chorp Birger, tha e ag r脿dh gu bheil e an-diugh nas d貌igheil na phearsa na bha e mus t脿inig e bho bhuaidh an tinneis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Tha an sgeulachd aige an seo, ag innse mu bheatha agus an gr脿dh a th' aige dha a bhean, Jutta. Agus cuideachd mu mar a tha e airson rud a dh猫anamh do dhaoine eile, fi霉 's ged nach eil comas sam bith agad ach do sh霉il a phiobradh.
Despite the fact that he is paralyzed from head to toe Birger Jeppesen maintains that he is now a happier man than he was before he was hit by the incurable disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This is his story, about his love for life and his wife Jutta. And it is about the determination to be someone and do something for others, even if the only thing you can do is blink.
Last on
Seo sgeulachd Birger
Duration: 01:30