Documentary telling the story of a group of Afghan actors, bringing a production of Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors to an international festival at London's Globe theatre.
Seo sgeulachd buidheann de hleasaichean Afghanistanach a tha a' tighinn gu fèis eadar-nà iseanta ann an taigh-cluiche a' Ghlobe ann an Lunainn le dealbh-chluich Shakeseare, Comedy of Errors. Tha còrr is trichead bliadhna de chogadh air cleasachd a sgrios ann an Afghanistan.
Tha boireannaich gu tric air an sà rachadh ma thèid iad air an ùrlar. Ach an dèidh sin, ann am mìos no dhà , tha dùil aig na cleasaichean an dealbh-chluich a choileanadh air beulaibh nam mìltean aig fear dhe na taighean-cluiche as ainmeile san t-saoghal.
Documentary telling the story of a group of Afghan actors, bringing a production of Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors to an international festival at London's Globe theatre. Over 30 years of war have virtually destroyed Afghan theatre and women can be harassed for performing on stage.
However, in just a few months the actors are expected to perform in front of an audience of thousands, at one of the most prestigious theatres in the world.
Last on
Seo sgeulachd mu bhuidheann chleasaichean à Afganastan
Duration: 01:12
- Thu 2 Jan 2014 20:05
- Thu 23 Jul 2015 22:30
- Sun 26 Jul 2015 23:00