Deiseil airson Deit?
Gabriel has been asked out on a date, but doesn't know what is expected of him. After some disastrous advice from his friends, he decides to just be himself.
Tha Gabriel air fiathachadh fhaighinn a dhol air deit ach chan eil fhios aige dè tha air a dhùileachadh bhuaithe. Tha na fhuair e de dhiofar seòrsa comhairle bho charaidean ga fhàgail ann an suidheachadh sgriosail. Mu dheireadh, tha e a' tuigsinn gu bheil e nas fheàrr a bhith nàdarrach na bhith ga ghiùlain fhèin ann an dòigh nach eil idir nàdarrach.
Gabriel has been asked out on a date, but doesn't know what is expected of him. His friends' conflicting advice on how to behave leads to disaster, and he decides that it is best to be himself, rather than put on an act.
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Coimhead Deiseil airson Deit?
Prògram 25 - Deiseil airson Deit? / Episode 25 - Gabriel’s First Date
Tidsearan & Pàrantan
This storyline in this episode can be used as stimulus to talk about peer pressure and relationships. Further information is available at
Mun a' phrògraim seo
Gabriel has been asked out on a date, but doesn't know what is expected of him. His friends' conflicting advice on how to behave leads to disaster. He resolves that it is best to be himself rather than put on an act.
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