Documentary on Mount Everest and those that try to conquer it. A sacred deity to the local population, Mount Everest has become the rest of the globe's most extreme playground.
Chan e a-mh脿in na daoine as gaisgeile agus as sgileile a tha an-diugh a' feuchainn air Beinn Ebhearest a dh矛readh. Ged a tha muinntir nan sg矛rean ionadail ga faicinn mar dhia naomh, dhan ch貌rr dhen t-saoghal, chan eil ann ach an raon-cluiche as d霉bhlanach a tha ri fhaighinn.
Air feadh na beinne 脿irde, tha streapadairean neo-phroifeiseanta, aig fichead 's a h-ochd m矛le troigh, a' feitheamh an cothrom gus seasamh air mullach an t-saoghail.
Scaling Everest is no longer reserved for only the bravest and most skilled. A sacred deity to the local population, Mount Everest has become the rest of the globe's most extreme playground. The towering peak is awash with amateur climbers queuing at 28,000ft, for a chance to stand on top of the world.
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An d霉bhlan sreap as duilghe san t-saoghal
Duration: 01:20