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Fir Chlis Fergie

Gaelic Ailig O'Henley le sgeulachd Obar Dheathain an Cupa E貌rpach nan 'Cup Winners' ann a '83. Alex O'Henley recalls the story of how Aberdeen won the Cup Winners' Cup in 1983.

Ailig O'Henley ag 霉rachadh cuimhne air st貌iridh Obar Dheathain san iomairt shoirbheachail aca ann an 1983 an uair a thog iad Cupa nan 'Cup Winners.' Tha sinn a' cluinntinn bho Ailig Fearghasdan, am manaidsear ac' aig an 脿m, agus bhon luchd-taic, a' leantail lorgan nan Dons air ais gu P脿irc an Ullevi ann an Gothenburg san t-Suain, far an do choisinn iad 脿it' ann an eachdraidh a' buannachadh an aghaidh sgioba iomraiteach Real Madrid. Recalling the story of Aberdeen's successful 1983 European Cup Winners' Cup campaign. We hear from Alex Ferguson, their manager at the time, and retrace the journey through the experiences of supporters who made the journey to Gothenburg's Ullevi Stadium where the Dons overcame the might of Real Madrid to take their place in Scottish and European football folklore.

30 minutes

Last on

Tue 31 Dec 2013 17:30


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