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Sealladh bhon Chala/Stornoway Maritime Matters

Episode 8 of 18

A unique view on life from the intrepid duo behind a shipping agent business in Stornoway, the Western Isles' main port.

Tha an gnìomhachas luingeis aig Tormod agus Alasdair MacArtair stèidhte ann an Steòrnabhagh, prìomh port nan Eilean Siar. Latha no oidhche, fliuch no fuar, bidh iad a' tabhann nan seirbheisean aca dha soitheach sam bith a tha a' tadhal air Steòrnabhagh. Le faisg air dà fhichead bliadhna bho thòisich Tormod a' chiùird, tha e fhèin agus Alasdair glè eòlach air an obair seo agus tha e ag ràdh gu bheil iad a' tairgsinn seirbheis 'first-class'!

Deiseil agus deònach airson feumalachdan sam bith a thig bho shoithichean a tha a' tadhal air a' phort, cuiridh an dithis dhàn seo an làmhan ri rud sam bith. Bho ghlainne-mheudachaidh agus aodach ùr dhan chriutha gu bhith a' cur air dòigh seirbheisean meidigeach do luchd siubhail ann an èiginn, chan eil iarrtas sam bith ro mhòr airson an dithis seo.

Le soithichean-crùsa a' tighinn bho air feadh an t-saoghail le na mìltean de luchd-siubhail, soithichean siùil agus bàtaichean iasgaich uile a' cur feum orra - tha e coltach gum bi samhradh air leth trang aig Tormod agus Alasdair. Ciamar a thèid dhaibh?

Norman and Alastair MacArthur are the two shipping agents based in Stornoway, the Western Isles' primary port. They offer a comprehensive range of services for vessels of all sizes, and are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With almost 40 years of experience to draw on they claim to offer a 'first-class professional service'!

From magnifying glasses and boiler suits for the ship's crew to organising medevac and repatriation services for its passengers: no job is too large, no distance too great for Stornoway Shipping Services.

With cruise ships bringing passengers by their thousands, yachts and fishing boats all in need of their service it looks like Norman and Alastair are in for a busy summer. How will they get on?

1 hour
