Five moving and uplifting tales from five different women whose battles with cancer inspired them to life and career changes.
As dèidh dha Isobel Rutter an t- à rd-ùrlar fhà gail 's an sluagh air an casan, chithear gu bheil mòran dhiùbh le deòir nan sùilean. 'S mathaid nach eil sin na iongnadh as dèidh dhi a sgeulachd innse mu a h-aillse, mar a chaill i a dà bhroilleach, agus mar a dh' fhà ilig obair-lannsa ath-chruthachail.
Ach chan eil iad a' caoineach, ach lag a' gaireachdainn - dìreach mar a bu mhiann le Isobel. As dèidh dhan tè ghnìomhachais shoirbheachail a' chùis a dhèanamh air aillse broillich trì tursan, mhisnich i i fhèin gabhail ris an à rd-ùrlar mar chleasaiche èibhinn.
Mar a thachras gu tric as dèidh a chluintinn gu bheil aillse ort, bha an t-eagal air Isobel, bha i a' faireachdainn gun robh i air smachd a chall, agus bha dragh mhòr oirre mu na bha air thoiseach. Thug i car air a h-uile cà il a tha sin ge-tà gus an tigeadh toradh buannachdail à s.
As she exits the stage to rapturous applause, many of Isobel Rutter's audience have tears in their eyes. It's unsurprising perhaps given that she has just told the story of her cancer, double mastectomy and failed reconstructive surgery.
But closer inspection reveals the people wiping away tears are actually howling with laughter - and that's just the way Isobel likes it. For since surviving breast cancer three times, the successful businesswoman has gained the courage to tread the boards as a stand up comedian. Feelings usually associated with a diagnosis of cancer include fear, helplessness and worry for the future. While Isobel admits to experiencing all of these she has sought out a positive outcome from her terrifying ordeal.
And she is not alone. We meet four others whose battles with cancer also inspired changes for good in their lives they would never have thought possible when at their lowest ebb.
Last on
Beatha ùr às dèidh aillse broillich
Duration: 01:29
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- Tue 29 Jan 2013 22:00
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