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Na h-Innleachdairean/Science Idol

Farpais 'Science Idol' san t-saoghal Arabach. The competition to become 'Science Idol' of the Arab world.

Chaidh fiolmadh a dhèanamh le Sadek, Hind, Abdellah agus Ahmed bho diofar phàirtean dhen t-saoghal Arabach, thairis air na beagan sheachdainean suas gu cuairt dheireannach 'Science Idol'. Tha iad air a' bhith a' cruthachadh, a' dealbhachadh agus a' dèanamh modailean ùr 's iad a' farpais airson 'Science Idol' an t-saoghal Arabaich.

Sadek, Hind, Abdellah and Ahmed from different parts of the Arab world, were filmed over the course of a few weeks in the build-up to the final of Science Idol. They have been inventing, designing and creating a prototype as they compete to be Science Idol of the Arab world.

50 minutes
