A look inside the doppelganger capital of India, whose population of 2,000 families contains over 250 sets of twins - almost six times the global average.
Am broinn pr矛omh-bhaile sgaraichte nan Innseachan, far bheil c貌rr air 250 paidhir de ch脿raidean ann an sluagh de 2,000 teaghlach - cha mh貌r sia turais a bharrachd 's tha cumanta 's an t-sluagh. Ged tha dotairean a' feuchainn ri d矛omhaireachd an iongantais seo fhuasgladh tro dhearbhadh 脿rainneachd agus ginteil, tha muinntir an 脿ite ag innse an cunntasan pearsanta de bheatha 脿bhaisteach mar ph脿irt de ch脿raid no ann an teaghlach de ch脿raidean.
A look inside the doppelganger capital of India, whose population of 2,000 families contains more than 250 sets of twins - almost six times as many as the global average. While doctors try to explain and solve the mystery of this phenomenon through environmental and genetic testing, residents share their accounts of everyday life as a twin or within a family of twins.
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Tha barrachd air 250 paidhir c脿raidean a' fuireach sa bhaile seo
Duration: 01:47