Two tribes, the Matis people and the Enawenes Nawes Indians, embark upon the journey of a lifetime to take part in the Games of the Amazon.
Aon uair 's a' bhliadhna, tha teine Geamannan a' Cho-Fhlaitheis air lasadh ann am Brasil is e a' comharradh fosgladh nan geamannan d霉thchasach, geamannan an Amasoin. Tha 'Geamannan an Amasoin' ag innse sgeulachd d脿 threubh, na Matis agus na h-Innseanaich Enawenes Nawes, a th猫id air turas iongantach. D脿 threubh, d脿 bh貌idse, d脿 chuairt annasach, le aon amas s貌nraichte: p脿irt a ghabhail 's na Geamannan agus buannachadh!
Once a year, an Olympic flame is lit in Brazil announcing the opening of the Indigenous Games, the Games of the Amazon. This programme is the story of two tribes, the Matis people and the Enawenes Nawes Indians, who embark upon the journey of a lifetime to take part in an amazing adventure. Two tribes, two voyages, two incredible adventures, with one unique goal: participate in the Games and win!