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Episode 7

The amazing story of the pipes and an introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of piping. Presented by Anna Murray.

Tha fuaim na pìoba aithnichte dhuinn uile, agus gu dearbha b' i a' phìob aon de na ionnsramaidean ciùil as tràithe a bh'ann. Anns an t-sreath ùr, inntinneach seo - An Ribheid Chiùil - gheibh sinn a-mach mun ionnsramaid fhèin, agus cluinnidh sinn an iomadh sgeul shònraichte bho na daoine a bhios ga cluich. Sgeulachdan tarraingeach, iomadh-fhillte, eadar-nàiseanta bho air feadh an t-saoghail.

Ionnsaichidh sinn cuideachd mun t-saoghal sa bheil a' phìob beò - mar a bha is mar a tha. Bho chòmhlain phìobairean, pìoba air a cluich leatha fhèin agus còmhlain aig fèisean.

Tha am prògram mu dheireadh anns an t-sreath a' coimhead ri mar a tha a' phìob a-nis air a chleachdadh le ionnstramaidean ciùil eile ann an còmhlain a' toirt dhuinn fuaimean ùra agus inntinneach. Thòisich e le Moving Hearts ann an Èirinn agus na Tannahill Weavers ann an Alba agus tha seo air leantainn an-diugh le ginealach ùr de chòmhlain a' gabhail a-steach Daimh, Breabach agus Ross Ainslie agus Jarlath Henderson.

The amazing story of the instrument and its players and a fascinating introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. From diffusion, change and sophistication in the world of piping over history, to today's players who have taken piping into new popularity through solo performing and bands touring international festivals.

The last programme in the series looks at how the pipes are now being used alongside other instruments in bands leading to new, exciting and developing sounds. The trail blazed by Moving Hearts in Ireland and Scotland's Tannahill Weaver and continued today by a new generation of musical collaborations including Daimh, Breabach and Ross Ainslie and Jarlath Henderson.

30 minutes

Last on

Sat 19 Sep 2015 20:30

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