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Episode 6

The amazing story of the pipes and an introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. Presented by Anna Murray.

Tha fuaim na pìoba aithnichte dhuinn uile, agus gu dearbha b' i a' phìob aon de na ionnsramaidean ciùil as tràithe a bh'ann. Anns an t-sreath ùr, inntinneach seo gheibh sinn a-mach mun ionnsramaid fhèin, agus cluinnidh sinn an iomadh sgeul shònraichte bho na daoine a bhios ga cluich. Sgeulachdan tarraingeach, iomadh-fhillte, eadar-nàiseanta bho air feadh an t-saoghail.

Tha an siathamh prògram anns an t-sreath a' coimhead ri còmhlain pìoba. Chan eil e a' dèanamh diofar an e còmhlan mòr farpaiseach eadar-nàiseanta a th'ann no còmhlan pìoba ionadail, tha iad a' cruthachadh fuaim a tha tarraingeach an uair a bhios iad a' cluich. Tha am prògram a' tadhal air St Lawrence O Toole a bhuannaich Farpais Phìobaireachd an t-Saoghail 2010 's iad a' tighinn còmhla à diofar cheàrnaidhean de dh' Eìrinn airson beagan chluich a dhèanamh ann am Baile Ath Cliath.

The amazing story of the pipes and its players, and a fascinating introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. From diffusion, change and sophistication in the world of piping over history, to today's players who have made piping popular again.

The world of Pipebands. Whether it is one of the big international competitive bands or the local town Pipeband, they are colourful and strike up an emotive sound whenever they play. The programme visits 2010 World champions St Lawerence O Toole as they come together from many corners of Eire for a mid-week practice in Dublin.

Inveraray and District Pipeband under the tutelage of Stuart Liddle prove that dedication and enthusiasm are vital for any band wanting to progress through the competitive ranks, while the young players of the Sgoil Lionacleit Pipeband show that the piping tradition is alive and well in the Southern Isles.

30 minutes

Last on

Sat 12 Sep 2015 20:30
