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Mire a' Mhuncaidh Mhì-mhodhail

Seoras and Sandy have their boat stolen by a cheeky monkey, so Lucas, Alasdair and Leadaidh NicÃŒosaig try to catch him using their own cheeky tricks.

Tha am bàta-teasairginn dàna, Lucas, deònach gabhail ri dùbhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' dìon nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fhèin trang - le spòrs 's mire gu leòr!

Tha Seòras 's Sandy air peata ùr fhaighinn - muncaidh a bhios a' dannsa! Ge-tà, tha am muncaidh gu math mi-mhodhail 's tha e a' goid a bhàta aca. Tha Lucas, Alasdair 's Leadaidh NicÌosaig a' dol às a dhèidh 's a' cluich an cleasan fhèin air an trusdair muncaidh!

For the daring and brave young lifeboat, Lucas, there's no job too daunting. And while Lucas and coxswain, Alasdair, are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find plenty adventures of their own.

Seoras and Sandy have got themselves a performing monkey. However, the monkey turns out to be quite the troublemaker and makes off with their boat. So Lucas, Alasdair and Leadaidh NicÃŒosaig try to catch him with their own cheeky tricks!

5 minutes
