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Uamh na h-Ùpraid Uabhasaich

The GunSgòts head out to sea in their new kayaks without telling anyone where they are headed. However, they soon find themselves in grave danger.

Tha am bàta-teasairginn dàna, Lucas, deònach gabhail ri dùbhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' dìon nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fhèin trang - le spòrs 's mire gu leòr!

An dèidh dhaibh currach fhaighinn bho Sandy 's Seòras, tha na GunSgòtaich a' dèanamh air muir gun innse do dhuine càil dùil riutha. Tha tubaist gam faicinn glacte ann an uamh 's an làn ag èirigh gu luath. Ged a tha Lucas ga ghairm chan fhaigh e dhan uamh gan iarraidh - ciamar a gheibh iad às?

For the daring and brave young lifeboat, Lucas, there's no job too daunting. And while Lucas and coxswain, Alasdair, are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find plenty adventures of their own.

After buying kayaks from Sandy and Seòras, the GunSgòts head out to sea without telling anyone where they are headed. However, they get trapped in a cave and, with the tide rising fast, they are in grave danger. Lucas is called to the scene but can't get into the cave to rescue them - how will they escape?

5 minutes
