The arrival of their baby gives new meaning to the choice of life of two research scientists living on a small boat in the Arctic.
Gu math fada tuath ann am b脿gh air taobh sear an Spitsberg, tha 脿ite gu math iomallach. Tha France agus Eric nan luchd-saidheans agus roghnaich iad fuireach an seo air b貌rd b脿ta se貌laidh beag dearg am meadhan an deigh. Tha an nighean bheag Leonie air am beatha l脿itheil a chur bun os cionn agus air ciall 霉r a thoirt don bheatha a thagh iad dhaibh p猫in.
Far up north in a remote bay on the eastern coast of the Spitsberg lies an uncharted cove. France and Eric are research scientist and settled here, living on their small red sailing boat. The arrival of their baby girl has turned their daily lives in the Artic upside down and given a new meaning to their choice of life.