Sealladh air beatha marcaiche rodeo. Profile of Andres Retamal, legendary horsebreaker and rodeo rider from the Rio Negra Valley in Patagonia.
Tha Andres Retamal am measg an luchd-tr猫anaidh eich agus marcaichean rodeo 脿 gleann Rio Negra ann am Patagonia. Tha sgilean ann a bhith tr猫anadh eich fhiadhaich a' dol s矛os bho ghinealach gu ginealach, bho athair gu mac, agus oir gu bheil e air aois a' ruighinn far a bheil e a' dol a leigeil dheth a dhreuchd, 's gun e ach c貌rr air da fhichead, tha Andres a' toirt a mhac c貌mhla ris air an rathad gus e貌las fhaighinn air obair an rodeo.
Andres Retamal is a legendary horsebreaker and rodeo rider from the Rio Negra Valley in Patagonia. The skills of working with wild horses are traditionally passed down from father to son, and as he reaches retirement from the Rodeo, only in his forties, Andres takes his young son on the road with him to experience the rodeo circuit.