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Na Coin Madadh-Allaidh (Wolf Dogs)

Episode 9 of 20

A change in DEFRA regulations means it is possible for people to own a wolf dog without a licence. Can these dogs be pets?

As dèidh atharrachadh ann an riaghailtean DEFRA tha e a-nise ceadaichte agus cothromach do dhuine sam bith dhan mhòr-shluagh cù madadh-allaidh a bhith aige - sin cù nach eil ma dh'fhaoidte ach 3 ghinealaich bho fhìor mhadadh-allaidh. Ach dè a tha e a' ciallachadh a bhith a¿ coimhead as dèidh aon de na coin àraid seo? Bheil e gu dha-rìreibh comasach dhaibh a bhith na pheataichean teaghlaich àbhaisteach? Tha Dòmhnall 'Sweeny' MacSuain a' triall air turas air leth - a' siubhail bho a dhachaigh ann an Leòdhas, tron Eilean Sgitheanach, gu tòin Shasainn - son an tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach.

A recent change in DEFRA regulations means that it's now possible for people to own a wolf dog without a licence, an animal that could be as little as three generations away from a pure wolf. What's the reality of owning and looking after one of these dogs? Can they truly be family pets? Donald 'Sweeny' MacSween heads on a journey of discovery, starting at home in Lewis and heading to the South of England, via Skye, to find out more.

1 hour
