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Og nar cridhe (Elderly Workers)

Episode 8 of 20

Gone are the days when women retired at 60 and men retired at 65. For a variety of reasons people continue to work beyond the retirement age.

Tha daoine 's an la an-diugh ag obair nas fhaide na b'abhaist. Chan eil guth air stad aig tri fichead neo tri fichead 's a coig. Airson iomadh adhbhar tha daoine a'cumail orra ag obair. Tha "Trusadh" a'coinneachadh daoine a th'ann an obraichean eadar-dhealaichte a'faighinn a-mach carson nach eil iad a'gabhail c霉isean nas socaire.

Many people are working longer than ever. Gone are the days when women retired at 60 and men retired at 65. For a variety of reasons people continue to work beyond the retirement age. Meeting people in different lines of work and discovering why they wish to continue working instead of taking it easy.

1 hour

