Jeremy Vine Clips
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"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more"
Duration: 01:05
"There's a pair of pants on the thing where I park my car"
Duration: 01:38
"You are going to teach me how to sew"
Duration: 01:41
"Either have your leg amputated or you won't be here no more"
Duration: 00:54
"I've got no-one, I'm in jail on my own"
Duration: 01:01
"and I set the set on fire"
Duration: 01:07
Joan Bakewell: What Makes Us Human?
Duration: 23:35
"...exactly like shooting a child"
Duration: 00:50
Is there always room for pudding?
Duration: 01:06
"He'd gone, but he was still just up the road"
Duration: 01:18
"It was smash and grab organised chaos"
Duration: 01:06
"This isn't a case of not caring about people or their animals"
Duration: 01:03
"The risks are tolerably low"
Duration: 01:13
"Mum?" "Hello?" "It's Jeremy"
Duration: 01:45
"You are an accessory after the crime of terrorism"
Duration: 01:05
Jon Culshaw: What Makes Us Human?
Duration: 20:32
John Bird: What Makes Us Human?
Duration: 26:25
Eric "Winkle" Brown on the Jeremy Vine Show in 2014
Duration: 19:37
Neil Brand: What Makes Us Human?
Duration: 21:41