Which move will you make?
All of the Make Your Move challenges will help you to improve your fitness. You just need to choose what you want to work on first.
Choose one of these challenges to feel less out of breath, have more energy and keep up with the kids.
Improve your co-ordination, have more control of your body and prevent joint injury by completing one of these challenges.
See these challenges for ways to improve your reach, feel less creaky and finally touch those toes!
Feel stronger in your muscles, stronger in your bones and help beat stress with these challenges.
The Movement Challenges
Get your energy levels up with these challenges that focus on working your heart.
The Balance Challenges
Get steadier on your feet and work your core with these challenges that focus on balance.
The Flexibility Challenges
Get more movement in your body with these challenges that focus on flexibility
The Strength Challenges
Get stronger in your muscles and bones with these challenges that focus on strength.