
Seven lessons learned from Kilkari

How mobile tech improved maternal and newborn health in India

Our challenge: How do you ensure families in India have timely information about childbirth, child care and family planning during pregnancy and in the first year of the child's life?

Our idea: Could we extend high quality health information and advice to Indian families, particularly in rural areas, by leveraging the country鈥檚 growth in ownership and use of basic mobile phones?

The innovation: A suite of human-centred design mobile health (mHealth) solutions, developed by 麻豆社 Media Action and scaled by the Government of India centrally and by a few state governments, to empower families and frontline health workers as the 'last mile' in the health system to improve child mortality and ensure maternal health.

Our poster examines the research and insight involved in, and the impact of, our mHealth projects in India, including Kilkari (A Baby's Gurgle), Mobile Academy. Mobile Kunji (Guide) and GupShup Potli (A Bagful of Chatter).

Find out more about the seven lessons learned through our mHealth work in this blog.

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