
Our global research festival

An exploration of developments in research methodology and insights

27 February - 2 March 2023

To achieve development and social justice, and ensure no one is left behind, we need to understand the complexities of people’s lives. Research to build this understanding is more critical than ever, especially in diverse and disordered information landscapes where knowledge, norms and behaviours are shifting fast. 

Our INSIGHTFUL webinars, run by Â鶹Éç Media Action research teams across the world, explored:

  • How is research shaped by behavioural insights, digital developments and deep understanding of context?
  • What research is most helpful in understanding how to engage people and accelerate positive change?
  • How can research be used to support the design of impactful programmes?

Missed our global webinars? Watch them again below:

Leaving no one behind: Understanding audiences for effective programming

This online panel event featured speakers from across Â鶹Éç Media Action in Africa, sharing insights on using research to understand diverse audiences to inform the development of audience-centred media and communication strategies.

Speakers from Tanzania, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and South Sudan discussed projects focused on inclusivity - including young girls who have been marginalised and people living with disabilities - in these settings.

Date: Tuesday 28 February 2023 

Time: 9-10:30 GMT (10-11:30 WAT; 11-12:30 CAT; 12-13:30 EAT)

Moderator: Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi, Senior Health Advisor, Â鶹Éç Media Action


Anu Njamah, Head of Research and Learning, Nigeria

Mohamed Kpaka, Research Officer, Sierra Leone

Jasmine Shio, Research Manager, Tanzania

Wani Moses, Senior Research Officer, South Sudan

INSIGHTFUL webinar recording

The art of understanding: Effective communication with audiences in conflict and crisis

How do we do research in conflict and crisis affected settings? And why is it so important?

Our online panel discussion facilitated by Rachel Maher, UNOCHA’s AAP Advisor on Accountability to Affected Populations, explored how audience insights from Â鶹Éç Media Action research teams in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Somalia help shape effective media programming, and help humanitarian partners communicate better with people they are trying to serve. 

Date: Wednesday 1st March

Time: 9-10:30 GMT (12-13:30 EAT; 13:30-15:00 AFT; 15-16:30 BST)

Moderator: Rachel Maher, Advisor on Accountability to Affected Populations, UNOCHA


Mahdi Zaki, Research Manager, Afghanistan

Mahmuda Hoque, Research Manager, Bangladesh

Caroline Mwende, Research Officer, Kenya

Hodan Ibrahim, Senior Research Officer, Somalia

INSIGHTFUL webinar no 2: The art of understanding - effective communication with audiences in conflict and crisis

Elevating public interest media: The power of understanding our audience

In challenging times, how can audience research be used to support media organisations?

This session explored the shifting media ecosystems and geographies that public interest media organisations must negotiate. We examined the opportunities and difficulties that are fast emerging for these businesses, discovered how crucial audience research can be to drive strategy, and shared how flexible approaches to audience research can help resilience by hearing from partners on their experiences.

The webinar included examples of research used in Ethiopia, Ukraine, Zambia, Myanmar and Solomon Islands. 

Date: Wednesday 1st March

Time: 11-12:30 GMT (13-14:30 CAT)

Moderators: Nick Chasimpha, Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action Zambia and Tania Nikitina, Senior Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action Eastern Europe and Central Asia


From Â鶹Éç Media Action:

Suzanne Devai, Senior research manager

Anna Godfrey, Head of evidence

Yin Min Htun, Research manager, Myanmar

Kengah James, Research manager, Africa

From Suspilne - Ukraine's public broadcaster

Victoria Borshchenko, Head of Suspilne Research Centre

Yevheniia Siriak, Research manager

Andriy Taranov, Board member

From Zambia:

Angela Mtambo, Programmes officer and community journalist, Luswepo Community Radio Station

INSIGHTFUL research festival webinar 3 - Elevating public interest media: The power of understanding your audience

DigiTalk: Segmenting and measuring digital audiences

This webinar covered the latest digital trends from South and South East Asia, and explored how at Â鶹Éç Media Action we have understood our social media audiences and evaluated our digital work. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with experts from the sector, sharing their experience of working in the digital space.

The webinar included case studies from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

Date: Thursday 2nd March

Time: 8:30-10 GMT (14.00–15:30 IST; 15:30–17:00 ICT)

Moderator: Varinder Gambhir, Director of Research, Â鶹Éç Media Action India


Dawn Herdman, Founder & CEO, Illuminate Asia

Shachi Lapasia, Business Lead, Yuvaa

Paurush Sharma, Digital Communication Consultant

Sao Vichheka, Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action Cambodia

Neema Gupta, Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action India

Rosiana Eko, Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action Indonesia

Yan Htaik Seng, Country Director, Â鶹Éç Media Action Myanmar

Khin Nilar Ko, Research Manager, Â鶹Éç Media Action Myanmar

Watch Â鶹Éç Media Action's INSIGHTFUL webinar 4: DigitTalk - Segmenting and measuring digital audiences

Our INSIGHTFUL research

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