Bing - Series 1: 93. Magnatan
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- Series 1: 32. 'Plangaidh'Tha aig Bing ri dhol a chadal gun plangaidh. Bing must go to sleep without blankie.7 mins
- Series 1: 31. 'Amar-Cluiche'Tha Bing 's Sula a' dol dhan amar-cluiche. Bing and Sula are off to the paddling pool.7 mins
- Series 1: 30. BuilgeananTha Bing is Pando a’ cluich le builgeanan. Bing and Pando play with bubbles.7 mins
- Series 1: 29. Brògan MòraTha Bing a’ cluich 'fuamhairean' an diugh. Bing plays 'giants' today.7 mins
- Series 1: 28. Crios HùlaTha Bing a' feuchainn air cearcall hùla! Bing tries his hand at hula hooping!7 mins
- Series 1: 27. A' tabhairtTha Bing a' ceannachd prèasant sònraichte. Bing is shopping for a very special present.7 mins
- Series 1: 26. SgeulachdanTha an leabhar aig Bing a' tuiteam dhan amar! Bing's bedtime book falls in the bath!7 mins
- Series 1: 25. Rud as fheà rrTha beagan aimhreit eadar Bing 's Sula. Bing and Sula have a bit of a quarrel.7 mins
- Series 1: 24. LiutTha Bing a' lorg an 'sgil shònraichte' aige! Bing tries to discover his 'special skill'.7 mins
- Series 1: 23. Rudeigin do SulaTha Bing a' dèanamh dealbh do Sula. Bing makes a picture for Sula.7 mins
- Series 1: 22. Èideadh BrèigeBoth Bing and Coco think they should get to wear the one crown from the dressing-up box.7 mins
- Series 1: 21. Balùn/BalloonTha Bing 's Sula a' lorg balùn. Bing and Sula find a balloon.7 mins
- Series 1: 20. Cuirm-chnuicBing and Flop prepare to go on a picnic, but then the rain arrives.7 mins
- Series 1: 19. Air ChallAfter being at the park, Bing realises that he no longer has his Hoppity Voosh toy.7 mins
- Series 1: 18. Slà n LeatSula wants to stay at Bing’s house and play!7 mins
- Series 1: 17. TrèanBing and Pando get daring with a new toy.7 mins
- Series 1: 16. BeicBing ends up burning his biscuits when he fails to hear the oven timer.7 mins
- Series 1: 15. Falach FeadBing's hurry to get a game started leaves him in a bit of a pickle later on.7 mins
- Series 1: 14. SreathartBing isn't feeling very well today.7 mins
- Series 1: 13. A' FÃ sBing fears he is not growing, infact is he getting shorter?7 mins
- Series 1: 12. Seo Mi TighinnBing needs a little encouragement at the playground.7 mins
- Series 1: 11. Bhù BhùBing learns lessons about tidying up.7 mins
- Series 1: 10. Ìomhaighean CeòlmhorChan eil e còrdadh ri Bing a bhith call. Bing isn’t happy about losing a game.7 mins
- Series 1: 9. FaileasTha faileasan nan annas do Bing. Bing is intrigued by his own shadow.7 mins
- Series 1: 8. Geà m ParcaidhBing is frustrated that Charlie is too little to play the game he has chosen for them.7 mins
- Series 1: 7. LosgannBing and Sula are excited to find a frog.7 mins
- Series 1: Episode 6Tha an sùghmils’aig Bing a’dol cèarr. Bing’s attempt at a banana smoothie goes wrong.7 mins
- Series 1: Episode 5Bing causes chaos when he and Sula go to feed the ducks.7 mins
- Series 1: 4. BlocaicheanBing must learn to share his building blocks.7 mins
- Series 1: 3. DreallagBing and Pando are playing on the swing.7 mins
- Series 1: 2. Slà n LeatBing is sad about a broken toy.7 mins
- Series 1: 1. Cleasan-teineFireworks are a new wonder for Bing.7 mins
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