Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese - Series 1: 25. Voice Swap
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Series 1 Episodes
- 1. Greb-Nefual E-neg!Boy is scared by a film that the others think is lame, until they start to disappear.11 mins
- 2. Pen PalsBoy bakes cookies for his pen pal, Gretchen, but refuses to share them with anybody else.11 mins
- 3. The Cheesy DiaryBoy discovers that somebody is writing a fantasy novel inside his diary.11 mins
- 4. Game of ThroneThe boys and girls get sick of having to share the bathroom.11 mins
- 5. Boy's FriendThe family is going on a canoe trip, and Boy and Girl are each allowed to bring a friend.11 mins
- 6. Mama'd BoyMum and Dad go out, leaving Boy in charge of the house.11 mins
- 7. Scoot or Be ScootedBoy, Girl, Dog, Cat, Mouse and Cheese agree to a scooter race around the park.11 mins
- 8. Happy GameMouse buys a video game that is supposed to teach the family teamwork.11 mins
- 9. Cat WalkersGirl sets out to teach Dog a lesson about standing up for himself.11 mins
- 10. World Record RecordsMouse wants the other kids to stop being lazy and achieve some goals.11 mins
- 11. Cat BeardSome of Cat's discarded fur gets stuck to Boy鈥檚 face, giving him an inadvertent beard.11 mins
- 12. Camp ChampsThe Girls and the Boys compete to get to the top of Bear Mountain.11 mins
- 13. Monster ButtGirl enters a cosplay costume contest to win a trophy and meet her favourite TV star.11 mins
- 14. Crimes Against the FamilyMum and Dad take the TV away until the kids learn to behave.11 mins
- 15. Scientifically ImpossibleGirl is failing science class, so Mouse offers to help her learn.11 mins
- 16. We Could Be HeroesMouse accidentally saves Cheese's life from a toppling tree.11 mins
- 17. The Dog Who Cried WolfDog decides to show the family that he can be as tough as the wolves on TV.11 mins
- 18. Confession CatCat finds one of Mouse's inventions that gives her intelligence and speech.11 mins
- 19. Imitation GamesCheese and Dog are teasing each other about the things they like to do.11 mins
- 20. Smoothie OperatorsWhen Mouse brings home an old ice cream truck, the kids start their own smoothie business.11 mins
- 21. Don't Have a CowWhen the family visits a farm, Cheese bonds with Delilah the cow over all things dairy.11 mins
- 22. The Fantastical World of Bobbly WobblyBoy is ecstatic to go on a tour of the bobbleheads factory.11 mins
- 23. It's Raining BenOn a dark and stormy night, the kids tell a scary story about local legend Big Bad Ben!11 mins
- 24. The Cheese BallSince she doesn't have a birthday, Cheese demands a big party every year.11 mins
- This episode25. Voice Swap
- 26. Safety DanceBoy trains the family after realising that they don't have a safety drill for emergencies.11 mins
- 27. Neighbourhood WatchdogThe family begins neighbourhood watch and Dog is excited to relive his police dog days.11 mins
- 28. Breaking Bad HabitsThe siblings try to break their annoying habits for the sake of family peace.11 mins
- 29. Dog's ShowA dog show is coming up, and cool prizes are given to the winning dog and its trainer.11 mins
- 30. SparkcheezaCheese is bonked on the head and believes she's a big celebrity!11 mins
- 31. Curling TailBoy, Girl and Cheese learn that their animal siblings have a tough time with their tails.11 mins
- 32. Boy Quits BobbleheadsSuddenly feeling too old to be collecting toys, Boy gives up his bobbleheads!11 mins
- 33. Perfectly DysfunctionalMouse is tested on his experiment to create the perfect family and is sure he will fail!11 mins
- 34. First Cheese on MarsMouse has built a rocket ship, and Cheese and Dog decide they want to go to Mars.11 mins
- 35. The Cat CrusaderCat wants to become a superhero, and the other kids decide to help her follow her dream.11 mins
- 36. Family PhotoThe kids accidentally destroy a beloved family photo.11 mins
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